The table knife project
︎︎︎ How do we create awareness in our daily life?

These knife handles are made from animal and vegetable waste materials. They are intended to remind us of the impact of our eating behaviour when cooking.
A cow’s bone
Many people have become accustomed to eating meat with every meal. This hasn't been possible for very long and requires factory farming that is based on horrific grievances. Peter Singer's book "Animal Liberation" showed this in 1975, and not much has changed since then. In addition, excessive meat consumption also has gigantic negative effects on our environment and our health. To make matters worse, the animal is not fully utilized and waste is created like this thigh bone from a cow.So how can we eat more consciously? Vegetarianism may not be an option for everyone, but every step in that direction is an improvement. This kitchen knife handle is made from a beef bone that is not used in a local butcher shop. The knife creates a daily awareness of our food and also of our behavior, which always has an impact on the bigger picture.
Street litter
The herbal version is made from wooden slats found on the streets of Barcelona. Probably oak skirting boards, best quality and undamaged, packaged in plastic. 59 equal pieces that would make at least 100 knives. Similar questions arise here: How do we deal with our resources? Why is our respect for things linked to their current price? The wooden handle serves as a reminder that everything has value if you take a moment to find an application. The design of the knives is simple and ergonomic, the focus is on the materials. The implementation was done by hand to engage with the material and show respect.